Vocalizer text-to-speech solutions provide enhanced expressivity for more natural sounding speech in a variety of applications and technologies. Vocalizer Expressive 2 TTS v1.0.2.3t3 APK Free Download Latest version for Android. Download full APK of Vocalizer Expressive 2 TTS v1.0.2.3t3.
Overview & Features of Vocalizer Expressive 2 TTS v1.0.2.3t3
Before you download Vocalizer Expressive 2 TTS v1.0.2.3t3 APK, You can read a brief overview and features list below.
Overview: Vocalizer text-to-speech solutions provide enhanced expressivity for more natural sounding speech in a variety of applications and technologies.
Provides a more human-like interaction through Natural Language Understanding, pronunciation accuracy, appropriate breaks for longer sentences and emphasis on the correct words.
High linguistic accuracy offers correct readout for all types of text input including map data, music data and a large dictionary of person names.
Lively, natural speech
Gilded speech databases containing laughs, hesitations, and others aspects of speech provide a more natural experience.
Superior output quality
New signal processing algorithms and advanced syntactical analysis result in improved smoothness and natural prosody.
Enhanced expressivity
The Vocalizer voice has personality with a natural, fluent and lively speaking style, which provides an engaging user experience.
Improved long text readout
Vocalizer has been optimized for reading out long texts, such as news, emails and social media status updates more smoothly and naturally.
Direct phonetic input
Allows for optimal and seamless readout of offline phonetic databases such as navigation map data.
Multilingual support
More accurate language identification as well as high-quality acoustic extensions provide superior foreign language readout.
User text rules
Customized readout of application-specific abbreviations and text pattern is possible using a user text processing rule set.
User dictionaries
Application-specific lexica can be phonetically optimized for accurate readout of exceptional pronunciations.
Global language and voice portfolio
Vocalizer currently supports more than 55 languages and features more than 100 different voices to facilitate the creation of global solutions using a single engine.
What’s New:
No changelog
— Fully Assembled (Folder + Apk) *English Voice(Samantha) included for reference*
— PLEASE read the included ReadMe.txt and pay attention to folder structure so that everything runs smoothly
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Vocalizer Expressive 2 TTS v1.0.2.3t3 APK – Technical Details
Before you start full Vocalizer Expressive 2 TTS v1.0.2.3t3 APK Download, you can read below technical APK details:
- Full Application Name: Vocalizer Expressive 2 TTS v1.0.2.3t3
- Supported Android Versions: 4.0+
- APK File Name: VocalizerEx2_Install.zip
- APK File Size: 449 MB
- Official Play Store Link:
Vocalizer Expressive 2 TTS v1.0.2.3t3 APK Free Download
So Excited to download? Well, click on below button to start Download Vocalizer Expressive 2 TTS v1.0.2.3t3 APK. This is a single direct link of Vocalizer Expressive 2 TTS v1.0.2.3t3.